Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Sadie LOVES to dress up these days. She tries to put on her costumes as soon as she comes downstairs in the morning and gets back into her things after she comes home from school.
all dressed up and nowhere to go

I really like this outfit she's comprised of the Sleeping Beauty bodice, Snow White skirt and Cinderella heels, accessorized with lots of necklaces and bracelets and a headband. The yellow Snow White skirt is a perennial favorite and is often combined with other tops and shoes.

Sadie said, "It's my wedding stuff. For my wedding with Memphis."
She likes to put on her costumes and and then grab Memphis for a dance around the living room.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Apres Skate

Sadie had a great time skating over the weekend. She managed to keep herself up on double runner skates fairly well and was laughing and having fun for about 15 minutes, when she noticed that there were people roasting marshmallows at the edge of the pond. She couldn't get over to the marshmallows fast enough...Dan had to scoop her up and carry her over.
After the marshmallows, we headed over to the golf course for a few runs of sledding.
Fun morning!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Happy Girl

what's so funny?
Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann
Sadie had a fun visit from Nana and Auntie Kara yesterday. They were planning to visit in the afternoon, but were kind enough to come up to Lebanon early after a water main break forced Sadie's daycare to close. Of course, we had no water at home either!

They took Sadie to the Montshire Museum and to the bookstore in Hanover. In the evening, we all went out to dinner at Lui Lui's, where Sadie had a great time playing with her lump of bread dough while waiting for her pasta to be served.

The water finally came back on late yesterday afternoon but was a little brown, so Sadie skipped her bath. It looked nice and clear this morning, thank goodness. I still used bottled water to make the coffee.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Too cute

This picture is from New Year's Eve, but it's so cute I had to share it, even though it's a couple weeks old.
two in the bed
Isaac didn't sleep over in Sadie's bed. He napped downstairs while the grown-ups relaxed and then went home with his parents. I think both Sadie and Isaac will laugh at this picture when they're teenagers.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

City Time

We had a super weekend in Cambridge, meeting up with Grandma and Grandpa. Sadie had a great time at the aquarium.
sadie and grandpa with penguins
She was not a big fan of the jellyfish exhibit. It was pretty dark in there and she had just watched Finding Nemo the day before, in which Dory is stung by a jellyfish. But she loved, loved, loved the penguins, both real and scuplted.
i love penguins
The other big highlight of the weekend was a "train ride". We rode the red line from Harvard Square to Porter Square and then back to Harvard. Sadie had so much fun on the "fast and bumpy train".
catch that train

Monday, January 14, 2008


Sadie loved seeing Samuel and Riley on Sunday.
What good pals they are already. We loved meeting Baby Riley for the first time. She is even cuter in person! It's very funny how in this group of kids, the girls both look like their daddies and the boy looks a lot like his mommy.

We'll get some weekend in Boston pics posted soon too!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Political Commentary

"Mommy and Daddy and me voted for Barakobama. My teacher voted for Hintery Clinton and my other teacher doesn't vote because she lives in Bermont."

(Sorry for the lack of pictures lately...we have been having trouble getting new ones to upload to Flickr.)

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Three Year Old Check-Up

Yesterday, Sadie had her three year old check-up. She now weighs 33.5 pounds and is 3 feet, 1 inch tall (37 inches). She is still average for her age for both weight and height. If she stays on her growth trajectory, she will probably remain in her carseat until she is close to 5 years old. As part of her check-up, she had a vision screening and a hearing screening and passed both very easily.

Before the doctor came into examine her, we were asked to change her into a little tiny hospital gown. For all previous check-ups, we've just been told to get her naked. I guess she is growing up and they wanted to offer her some privacy. Little Miss Loves to Dress Up was thrilled to try on the purple "dress".

The doctor asked if we thought Sadie was saying at least 50 words. Then she laughed and said she thought she had hear Sadie saying at least 50 words within the past few minutes. Sadie's verbal skills continue to be a strength.

Physical milestones looked fine too. Sadie is now jumping well, running, etc. She was dancing all over the office, standing on one foot, climbing up and down off the examining table by herself and generally being a total show-off for her new doctor.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Clap if You Believe in Fairies


Sadie loves playing dress-up. She wears a variety of different costumes, but her favorite is this Tinkerbell set from Auntie Kara. She likes to pair it with plastic slip-on Little Mermaid wedges and then go clomping around the house.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

A discovery in her stocking

Originally uploaded by Dan and Ann

"Mommy! It's Cinderella barrettes! Santa knows what I like!!"

Sadie loved opening all her gifts from Santa, both at our house and again at Nana and Bob-Bob's. The favorite present of the holidays was definitely her guitar. We'll try to post a video of her playing and singing!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all our friends and family. We wish you a wonderful 2008, filled with all good things.


We're woefully behind in posting pictures, so I promise to get a few new ones up over the next couple of days. We had a really nice Christmas in Concord and had fun seeing lots of family members and relaxing at Nana and Bob-Bob's.