Sadie is loving her new daycare, Mimo, which she calls "Mimo School". We are loving it as well. Mimo is walking distance from our house, or a very, very short drive, so it's easy for either Mommy or Daddy to do the drop offs and pick ups. Sadie has had happy departure from us each morning as she runs into the Big Room (a large room with climbing toys, little bikes and other physical toys) to meet her teacher Stefanie and see the other children.

(Sadie enjoying breakfast before a busy day at Mimo)
Every day, we get a Activity Report from her teacher. It's fun for us to read about what she did during the day. Here is an excerpt from yesterday's report: "Sadie had a good day. She played in the Big Room. She ate a yummy snack. She liked circle time. We read books and sang songs. She loved going for a walk and playing outside."

(Heading to the car on her first day at Mimo)
Sadie does love the regular walks her group takes in a big wagon. The playground is full of great equipment and lots of space to run around. Yesterday, when I picked her up, she was wearing one of her back-up outfits. She had had so much fun playing at the playground and had gotten so muddy and dirty they decided to change her when they came in. Muddy clothes=proof she's having a blast!

(Relaxing in Isaac's hammock over the weekend)